Molly Adams, Cherokee Nation, is a photojournalist and news operations coordinator for The Lawrence Times. In her role, she has worked to develop an Indigenous beat, providing the nuanced and authentic coverage that Lawrence has historically lacked. She takes the responsibility of portraying the communities she photographs seriously and strives to repair the legacy of harm caused by photographers and journalists who historically and presently have not represented people fairly and accurately. When she writes on Indigenous issues her intention is to write for a general audience in a way that both educates the public and is, hopefully, restorative for Indigenous stakeholders.

Molly is a graduate of Haskell Indian Nations University and is currently a master's student in the Indigenous Studies Program at the University of Kansas. Her thesis project addresses the biased and harmful media representation of Lawrence's local unhoused communities by utilizing a participatory photography approach to promote fair and accurate representation where it is needed most.

Despite being an emerging journalist, Molly has already been recognized by the Kansas Press Association, earning second and third place for Photographer of the Year. Although Molly is a professional photographer, some of her favorite photos are the blurry selfies she takes with her teenage daughter at metal shows.


Kansas Press Association
Awards of Excellence

Photographer of the year
2024: 2nd place, All Divisions
2023: 3rd place, All Divisions

Photo Illustration
2023: 1st place, All Divisions
2023: 3rd place, All Divisions

Best Story/Picture Combination
2024: 3rd place, Division VII

Photo Package
2023: 3rd place, Division VII

Indigenous Journalists Association
Indigenous Media Awards

Best Environmental Coverage
2024: 1st place, student division

Feature Photo
2024: 2nd place, student division

Best Feature Story
2024: Honorable mention, student division

Excellence in Beat Reporting
2024: 3rd place, pro division

Photos from other photographers :)

Wet Plate photo by Handmade Photography